Re-Entry From Incarceration

Love and Respect Community for Recovery and Wellness provides re-entry services for those being released from incarceration.

Some of Our Re-Entry Services Include:

-In-reach While in Incarceration

-Whole person Wellness Planning for Release

-Clothing, Camping Supplies and Shoes for Individuals Leaving Incarceration's

- Connectivity to Re-Entry Specific Resources

-Resource Navigation

-Workforce Readiness Services

This is Hunter and Benny.

Benny came through our walk in center and our staff supported him for several years. One day, Benny walked into a Love and Respect office and said "I'm ready to try recovery". With the help of United Way of Rutherford, Love and Respect had him in recovery housing with a new wardrobe within 4 days. He has since then maintained recovery, gotten a job, acquired a recovery network and a whole new life.

Hunter came through our re-entry program and Love and Respect staff supported him while he was still in incarceration. Once released, we placed him in a recovery house and he has since then acquired job interviews, acquired recovery time and is eager to utilize resources.

Recently, Ron and Alivea were able to bring them both new hygiene items and clothing items. They were able to pick them up and take them to The Justice Resource Center, the DMV, lunch and to get job interview clothing through our workforce readiness program.

This is what re-entry from incarceration can look like…