Come out on April 27th from 12-4pm for our Recovery Awareness Event with Knuckleheaded Adventures. We are a RCC with a community drop in center - peer led and peer run, where participants can come in for support navigating the resources available in the area, attend support groups and access one on one sessions. Come check us out and have some fun!
Stay tuned for more shout outs and information!
Check us out on TikTok!
#knuckleheadedadventures #wedorecover #lovenrespectcommunity #sober #sobriety #soberliving #soberlife #onedayatatime #odat #sobermovement #iamnotashamed #hellosundaymorning #gohelpsomeone #justfortoday #substancemisuserecovery #recovery #recoveryispossible #waitforthemiracle #peersupportspecialists